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martes, 16 de febrero de 2016


Hace pocos días, por parte de un club de amigas, me invitaron a un brunch. No es que sea costumbre mía, pero se me hizo un poco tarde y por salir a la carrera no sabía qué usar. Así que opte por aplicar el dicho "lo que salga es bueno" y, sin pensarlo, tuve un outfit super chic y cómodo pues tenía que andar en bici y el look se adecuó para ambas cosas.

A few days ago, by a club of friends, I was invited to a brunch. Not that it's habit of mine, but it was late and as I was on a rush, I didn't know what to wear; so I decided to apply the saying "what comes out is good" and, without thinking, I had a super chic and comfortable outfit as I was riding my bike the look fitted for both situations.